Covid 19

The corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic has wrecked havoc all over the globe. For that reason, we at Iconic Facility want to make things easier for you. In accordance with the regulations and guidelines that have since been provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), our experts are seeking to offer you fumigation and disinfection services. We have added these to our range of services in light of the current challenges that are being experienced the world over.

Cleanliness is of the essence during these tough times. That is why we are seeking to make things easier for you. Iconic Facility has been in this sector for more than two decades and so understands your exact prescription. Since corona virus offers new challenges that most of us were unaware of in the past year, we have been steadfast in customizing our service range to make sure you get the most ideal cleaning services. In doing so, we make sure we help you to reduce the likelihood of infections occurring within your premises.

Our range of Covid-19 cleaning services entails both deep cleaning and enhanced cleaning. In either of these categories, we ensure utmost focus on quality and desirable results.

Deep Cleaning

In this case, if you need housekeeping or commercial cleaning services, we make sure we exceed normal maintenance and dirt removal. Our experts strive to exceed existing standards so that you can have well cleaned and sanitized rooms and surfaces. Reach us any time for these services at your home or workplace.

Enhanced Cleaning

Our package of enhanced cleaning services comes together with disinfection procedures. We focus not just on visibly dirty surfaces but also try to disinfect areas that might otherwise be harmful to health. Such are the areas that lead to respiratory illnesses such as the novel Covid-19. In offering these services, we ensure clear focus and attention to detail.